Friday, April 3, 2009

Are they twins?

Sure, we might look nothing alike, but you can't deny the obvious similarity we have in our love for hiding in cupboards and "surprising" our mothers.


AJ said...

Congrats you three on the bun in your oven! I can't imagine another one as beautiful as Ellie. Seriously she could be a model. Don't do it though, it's a crazy industry.

JDM said...

Cute pictures.
And I didn't know that you were such a Hemingway fan. I will think twice before I call him self indulgent again. Or will I?

Also I completely forgot about that scene in the movie until I watched it again. HELLO! I just recommended that everyone I know try to see it. I was going to worry about it, then decided to get over it instead.

Jodi said...

Um, is that clorox that you're straddling? Things were so free and easy back then . . . I don't think my parent's even uttered the word "childproof" when I was toddler.