Tuesday, April 28, 2009


Last Wednesday was Hubert's birthday and as per his request and the fact that he is threatening me from the other side of the room, I will not reveal his age. But, because it was his birthday and it was such a beautiful day, he took the day off to be with Ellie and me and we had a chance to go to the world-renowned Hogle Zoo and by world-renowned I mean more animals have died there than in the actual Serengeti during hunting season. But, we knew she would love it and she did and she even re-named a Lemur, which looks like this
to "Monkeycat" and I would appreciate all who see this animal around her to refer to it as such seeing as we want to encourage her with her creativity and imagination. But anyway, I thought I would post some pictures of our fun day, so here we go.

I only post the giraffe picture because he was totally staring at me and creeping me out, as you can see by the look in his crazy eye.


the Eggett's said...

Happy birthday Hubert! Meg, I love that picture of you with Elli on your shoulders!

Jaylynn said...

Happy 31st birthday Hubert!!! Hahahaha!!! We are getting old!

JDM said...

Wow, that giraffe is giving you a major stink eye.
What did you DOOO??!
Also your family is once again adorable. ADORABLE!
Looks like a great day with monkeycat.

Jer, Er and kids said...

What a fun day! I used to hate the zoo but now with my kids I think it is a fun outing because they love it. Happy B-day Hubert (very late).

The Family said...

So I've been blog hopping and found yours. Super cute!