Friday, August 14, 2009

Ellie, Lagoon, and a sea of fanny packs

Yesterday, Hubert, Ellie, and I had the opportunity to go to Lagoon with Patty, Ashley, Milo, and my neice and nephews and it was surprisingly a very good time. First, let me just say that people let their freak flags fly at Lagoon which provided me with endless entertainment because being in my pregnant state I am unable to ride rides which left me sitting on many benches while Hubert went on rides with Ellie. Seriously, it's as if they thought that the dirty Motley Crue t-shirt with the cut-off sleeves they found balled up on the floor this morning was a great fashion choice. But besides people watching, the most enjoyable thing was watching my little girl go on every ride she could and loving every minute of it and asking for "another one" as soon as the ride was done. So here are some pictures to document our fun day.

Here FAVORITE ride of the day, Bulgy the Whale

Milo went on a total of three rides. He wasn't a huge fan as you can tell by his facial expression while driving the boat.


AJ said...

Oh Lagoon what a Utah treasure! I wish I could take my kids on those umbrella's by the magic carpet~

Nells-Bells said...

i have not been to lagoon in so long! the kids would totally love it. i just love how milo doesn't hide his displeasure one bit. he is a crack up! how fun for you guys. :)

Hiccup said...

Yes, I'll admit it... my son is a Lagoon pansy! What a wimp! But he's a dang cute one, I must say! Ellie was so brave! She is AWESOME!