Thursday, April 15, 2010

6 Months Old!

Today Olivia is 6 months old and after an entire day of whining about how I need to blog about her big day, at least I'm pretty sure that's why she was fussy, I decided to let the world know that she has survived thus far. But really, these past 6 months have been wonderful with this little girl. Sure, sometimes she doesn't sleep great and she goes from 1 to 10 in about half a second, but I can't get enough of her coo's, her laugh that sounds like she's in some sort of pain, and her constant, huge smile. She is a wonderful baby and it makes me sad that she is already 6 months old, but I can't wait to see what the next 6 months will bring. Oh, and I have to credit the picture idea to my good friend, Amber.

Also, Ellie and I made cookies today for the occasion and this was her idea of "helping" me.


Nells-Bells said...

olivia is super cute!! i seriously cannot believe ellie's hair! naomi's is barely to her chin. so crazy they are only a day apart.

Kristin and Tyler said...

That's how I would have "helped" you, too. Man, you make cute babies...let's hear it for 6 more!

Jer, Er and kids said...

So fun to see you and talk to you today!!! Your girls are darling!!!! Just like their mommy.