Friday, February 15, 2008


Today, February 16th, is the 6 year anniversary of Hubert and mine's wedding and I can't believe how fast it has gone by.  I was sitting back and thinking of the day that we were married and how it seemed to be a comedy of errors that turned out to be so right.  First of all, my hair dresser showed up 45 minutes late to do my hair and by the time she got all of her things ready, my dad and I were already supposed to be at the temple.  Second, because during that time no one that was with us had cell phones, Hubert was pacing around the parking lot imagining my father and I pulled over on the side of the freeway with him trying to convince me that marrying Hubert was a good idea and not to back out.  Of course, that was the last thing on my mind.  I couldn't wait to get there.  And third, when I finally walked into the sealing room, I could swear I felt a gust of wind come my way that was from all the breaths of relief from the people who were there.  But I made it and we were married and I was so unbelievably happy.  To this day I still can't believe that I was lucky enough to marry the man of my dreams and in order to fully show how much I love my husband, I have authored a list to detail my thoughts:

1) No other person has ever made me laugh as hard
2) He's "really really good looking"
3) He takes me for my faults and loves me more for them
4) He has supported me in all my decisions
5) He has the most wonderful smile I have ever seen
6) He loves his daughter
7) He laughs at my jokes (most of the time)
8) He's my very best friend
9) He eats whatever I make him, even when I catch him gagging a little bit
10) He is the best man I know

Even though there are 10 things there, there could easily be at least 100.  I love you, Hubert, and happy anniversary.  I never knew life could be this good.  And as a tribute to our lives so far, I have posted a few pictures to show what the past 6 years have been to us.

When we were dating
Our wedding day
One of our trips to Zions National Park, a place we love
One of many trips to California
Being pregnant
The birth of our daughter (I was very tired and very swollen)

And finally, being a family
I love you, Hubert.  Not only are you my husband, but you are also my best friend, the person I talk to about everything, my voice of reason, and the person I love most in this world.  Thank you for loving me as much as you do and, again, happy anniversary.

1 comment:

Kami said...

Happy Anniversary! I hope you did something fun together today. I just talked to Isaac, and he said he didn't know you and Josh had blogs. You should fill him in! I'm sorry we have to miss Carrson's party. Sounds fun.