Wednesday, April 16, 2008

A Moment...With Meagan: The Better Bowl

This installment of my moment comes from a very  long time ago, from a land far, far away.  It all began with my wedding, or I guess wedding video.  Hubert and I were asked to bring baby pictures so that they could be used in the video and only recently have we started putting those photos back in our albums.  Yes, I realize it's been over six years, but we've been busy doing things, like watching LOST, moving multiple times looking for cheaper rent (until we bought our home), graduating from college, and watching LOST.  So, anyway, I came across a picture of myself as a little girl with a most interesting hair cut.  This hair cut intrigued me so I began looking at more pictures and it seemed I had the same cut for the duration of ages 1-5.  I can't really blame my mom for this because she had four boys and then I appeared.  She had cut all of their hair the same way and the poor woman had no idea what to do with me, so I got the same cut.  I'm not saying it was bad because the perfection and symmetry are astonishing and to this day I always smile when I see these pictures.  But I guess the reason why I'm writing about this is because on our wedding anniversary, Hubert and I watched the cinematic masterpiece, "Dumb and Dumber."  I know, it's really good and also a very romantic movie, well, maybe not romantic, but really funny with such lines as "Excuse me Gunman","Give it me to pumpkin pie haircutted freak", and my all-time favorite, "Tell her I'm rich, good-looking, and I have a rapist wit."  If anyone has seen this movie, they have seen the hair cut that Lloyd Christmas (Jim Carrey) had and it is a perfect bowl, but, who had the better bowl?  Me or Lloyd Christmas?  I guess I'll never know, but I thought I would give others a chance to decide.


the Eggett's said...

Hey Megan! I didn't know that you had a blog. I found it from the Bulls. of course it is an awesome blog though! You are such a funny writer!
-Amber Eggett

BRoss said...

Megan, don't be silly. Your hair is totally cute in a Carol Burnett and Vickie Lawrence sort of way.

Try cutting your hair like that now and you'll see just how many friends you really have.

becca said...

Bowl cuts are cool and all... but I think mushroomheads are even better. For a full demonstration, please visit my blog