Thursday, July 10, 2008

I Have To Brag

My good friend, Cara, who ran the Ragnar with me just let me know that there is a DVD trailer of the race we just ran and you can actually see little old me.  I'm in the very first part where they start at the finish line and you see us from behind and I am the girl in the red shirt clapping with her hands in the air and also, about 29 seconds in, you see the guy in the cross-country skis and I am the girl in the red shirt standing right next to him.  I know, I think I'm much cooler than I actually am.  Oh, and to answer Janel's question, no, he did not have wheels on the bottom of his skis, but he still passed me. 


Erin Spenc said...

Wow. That looks like it is scary to run!

Ezra said...

I saw you!!!! I saw you!!!! I need an autograph.

Cara said...

A blog mention!! I'm so happy! Yes, I got emotional when I watched it. Even if you are large with child next year, you may have to go along, just for fun. That would be a good time . . . sleeping in the car, pregnant.

Unknown said...

That made me want to cry! That makes me want to run a race right now! Nice job meg! Is that the Wasatch is a gorgeous! We need to hang out!

the Eggett's said...

Way to go Meagan! You are a celebrity on YouTube! . . . actually that video is really cool and it kind of brought tears to my eyes just remembering how amazing it was. Seriously Meg, I am so glad that I got to do it with you. You are such an amazing person! I will never forget how hard I laughed with you guys in that van!

The Hardy Family said...

I'm so impressed cause you are so dang cool! Seeing how much fun ya'll had, I wish I had done it. But there's always next year, right?

Nells-Bells said...

I still can't believe he would opt to ruin his skis like that. AND I can't believe you ran that! Gees. I would've dropped at mile 4. You rock.

JDM said...

I saw you both times! Love the song, love the video. How cool to be a part of that event.
YOU ROCK plain and simple!