Wednesday, July 23, 2008

A Moment...with Meagan

This moment comes courtesy from a walk I make often to the Smith's grocery store that is near my house. This walk began like any other.  I needed to pick up a prescription so I lathered Ellie in sun block, loaded her into her stroller, and off we were.  While on our walk, we passed many people, mainly construction workers because there is so much building going on around my house, and as usual I see everyone around me, but never notice anything that catches my eye, that is, until today.  But this person that I noticed wasn't a construction worker, he was a teenager, either a high school graduate or a senior.  He was at the gas station in the Smith's parking lot and the reason he caught my eye was because he was wearing swim trunks.  It was the swim trunks that threw me into my moment.  As soon as I saw them, I began to day dream about the life I had at his age when a hot summer day provided so many opportunities.  When waking up at 11:00 was the norm and calling your friends after lunch/breakfast was the daily routine.  When you could throw on your swim suit without a thought to how you looked because you hadn't yet gained 50 pounds when you were pregnant and no matter how many miles you run or how much water you drink it still hasn't gone away.  When it was so hot that the only thing to quench the heat was cliff jumping at Causey Reservoir.  When you looked so forward to the drive to the cliffs because somehow eight of you fit into my '91 Mazda Protege that has been through more accidents than Evil Kinevil has broken bones and nothing is better than that drive with the windows down, the wind blowing through my hair, a 32 oz. Mountain Dew in my cup holder, and Weezer's "Buddy Holly" playing in my CD player.  When you work your 15-20 hour a week job at $5.25 an hour so that after 2 weeks you receive the fortune that is about $150 dollars in your paycheck.  When thinking about the future meant if you were going to Taco Bell that night or roasting hots dogs over a campfire.  And finally, when the words mortgage, income, and health insurance weren't a part of your vocabulary.  

But suddenly, I was taken out of my daydream because my sweet daughter had dropped her Elmo, her most favorite thing and all I heard was, "Emo, bye bye,"  which is a sweeter sound than any symphony could ever play.  I picked it up and handed it to her, and as she took it from me she had a smile on her face that would melt the coldest man's heart and I thought to myself, nothing is better than this.


Erica said...

What a stinkin' cute post! I loved it! I totally agree with you on all of it! Kids are the best. Ellie is absolutely adorable!

Charles said...

Great post Meagan... in a way you are sharing Ellie's progress. I can't wait untill tomorrow. I hope Ellie won't be shy about letting her uncle hear her speak.

Erin Spenc said...

I love that post. So cute.

Joshua & Lindsay said...

I can't even sleep past 2 a.m. anymore without having to get up, pee and have a cookie.

Amber said...

Super cute post. I love reading "moments with Meagan." We miss you guys too!

JDM said...

You are such a great writer. Isn't it so funny how so many things can go through your mind in a second before you snap back to reality. What a relief that reality is so good! I felt like I was there with you and wasn't ready for your post to end. I can't wait to hear Ellie say any and all of those words!

becca said...

It's always like walking down memory lane in "a moment...with meagan". Hey whatever happened to that Protege? Seems like it went for a repair and never came back. That's sort of like when your parents tell you that your kitten went to live on a big farm in the country- except the neighbor's dog dug up something that resembles a tire-laiden cat corpse from you back yard!

AJ said...

Oh the Juice Stop! I had no idea they were paying you so well! Kids are the most precious reward, even if they do take us away from our carefree taco laden existence.

Maria said...

Loved that post. It was so sweet and so true. What a great moment. Thanks for sharing.

P.S. hope you don't mind if I was totally blog stalking and found your cute blog.

Unknown said...

That was cute! It made me think of my 1970 pontiac sunfire that used to be a bright red, but was now a beautiful shade of sun faded pink. We called it the "pig". I will be back to work Aug. 2. Hope to see you soon!