Friday, November 14, 2008

The radical 80's

As my daughter sits on my bed playing with my collection of jewelry which consists of one necklace, thank you Hubert, one bracelet, thank you mom, and one toe ring, thank you I don't know who, I decided to post about my five favorite 80's movies and my accompanying favorite lines.  Also, the order they are posted in not only reflects how funny I think they are, but also by how often I can watch them.

5. Some Kind of Wonderful

Keith: Well, I like art, I work in a gas station, my best friend is a tomboy. These things don't fly too well in the American high school. 

4. Say Anything

Lloyd Dobler: I got a question. If you guys know so much about women, how come you're here at like the Gas 'n' Sip on a Saturday night completely alone drinking beers with no women anywhere? 
Joe: By choice, man. 

3. Sixteen Candles

Lumberjack: What's your last name? 
Long Duk Dong: Dong. 
Lumberjack: What's your first name? 
Long Duk Dong: Long. 
Lumberjack: What's your middle name? 
Long Duk Dong: Duk. 

2. Real Genius

Kent: You're all a bunch of degenerates. 
Chris Knight: *We* are? What about that time I found you naked with that bowl of Jell-O? 
Kent: You did not. 
Chris Knight: This is true. 
Kent: Look, it was hot and I was hungry, okay? 

1. Better Off Dead

Roy Stalin: You'd make a fine little helper. What's your name? 
Charles De Mar: Charles De Mar. 
Roy Stalin: Shut up, geek. 


Charles said...

Where's Farris Buller's Day off or the Breakfast Club ?
So there's my whole "80's" repertoire. I am so surprised that I don't recognize two of them. Of the three I've seen 2 and I don't remember 16 candles. I have to congratulate you on not including "pretty in pink". That movie is a train wreck. The whole thing is so anti climactic when she shows up wearing something no other woman would be caught dead in (even for the 80's). And then that's it- end of movie.

AJ said...

Funny, My friends and I just had a 80's night. We dressed up and watched 80's MTV. Our party favors were DVD's of most of you favorite movies. Good ol' day's

Jodi said...

It doesn't get much better than "Better Off Dead." We quote lines from that All of the time! Ahh. The 80's. Why must those tight jeans be coming back?! Get thee hence 80's fashion!

Nells-Bells said...

love it! some kind of wonderful, say anything, better off dead...all so good. i heard you are going to the midnight showing of twilight. wish i could go with you guys. too bad i live so far away. :(

becca said...

You forgot about "Sorry your mom blew up Ricky" or "what the hell 'er you bitchin' about. I have to sleep under some china-man named after a duck's dork." Ah, Neema Barnette and John Hughes. What happened to you guys? Nobody knows how to make classic teen angst movies anymore!

BRoss said...

"Now that's a real shame when folks be throwin' away a perfectly good white boy like that."

John Cusack, YOU are the 80s to me.

JDM said...

All great shows.
All great lines.
I was thinking that I might date Beth. - Barney Rubble