Wednesday, November 5, 2008

An Historic Night

Last night, November 4th 2008, Barack Obama was elected the 44th President of the United States.  I have to admit that I was emotional watching he and his family walk out onto that stage in Chicago to give his acceptance speech and in some ways I am still emotional and will continue to be.  As I saw this young African-American man stand so poised and humbled on that stage, I couldn't help but think of what has happened for him to get there and how many people have struggled and died through the years of slavery, segregation, oppression, and so many other trials in order for him to be able to hold the highest office our government provides, the office of the President of the United States of America.  I know that many  people didn't vote for him and are probably frustrated by the outcome, but hopefully the significance of what happened last night and how truly important it is in our  history will not be lost to them.  So today, I decided to find pictures of the long road it has taken for us to have our first and hopefully not the last African-American President.


Charles said...

Great post, I had so many emotions that night. I expected a win of 270 but 349 was overwhelming. Americans from all walks of life supported him. I couldn't believe it. That night I recalled my childhood in the New York school system where I learned the importance of the civil rights movement and Dr. Martin Luther King. Obama's Victory truly is a milestone. Every time I pinch myself to make sure that this truly did happen it brings all of those emotions back.

Unknown said...

I have to admit that I did not want him to win...not that I really wanted the other choice, but I am increadibly excited that we have gotten to this point where people would vote for an African-American to be the Pres. I saved my newspaper and will put it in my remember stuff. I would love it even more if I agreed more with his policies, but I am going to give him his time and hope that he can help the mess we are in. I think it is important for everyone to come behind the pres. and support to help our country. He definately is a great speaker and has a very calm presence about him. MaCain was horibble in public!!!! I couldn't even listen to him most of the time...I just agree a little more with his plan. It will be interesting to see how people accept him.

BRoss said...

What?? When did this happen?