Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Vote Early, Vote Often

After two hours of waiting in this line
This facial expression

Weaving in and out of bookshelves while Hubert wore Ellie's headband

This facial expression because we weren't planning on two hours and therefore left all food at home

And showing me her belly because that is where her food should have been

We voted 


The Hardy Family said...

Two hours! Don't tell me that. I can't vote early, cause I am a slacker and registered late, and I am so afraid of what the lines are going to be like! But yea! for you voting!

The Birds said...

You are dedicated, I would have left after 30 minutes! I love your Coke addiction! What is it about drinking water at a restaurant? I always think I will be good and just drink water until I see Mike's drink and then half way through I order my Diet Coke! I guess I have a problem with dedication! Ha Ha!

AJ said...

Way to do your civic duty!

Nells-Bells said...

i can't believe you had to wait TWO hours. wow. i walked in, voted, grabbed handfuls of cookies (yup, they were handing out free cookies but since i had the kiddles with me, i felt like i deserved to take handfuls) and then went home.