Monday, October 13, 2008

The Shower Incident

Have you ever found yourself in a peculiar situation?  One that you really don't know how or why you got there?  Well, this such situation happened to me just the other night, or should I say morning.  You see, at 1:15 in the am on Saturday, I found myself standing in my shower with no recollection as to how I got there.  The only reason I regained consciousness was because I noticed the scalding water that was burning my skin.  Luckily, I wasn't standing in my clothes in the shower, but it was still a little jarring.  So anyway, there I was, totally confused and at the time I didn't know what time it was.  You see, I had to be up at 5:00 so in my mind I was thinking that my body just got up because it knew it was time.  Yeah, I know, dumb.  But I guess what really threw me off was when I got out of the shower my alarm clock was sitting on the bathroom counter.  Now, I'm sure that most people have a small alarm clock, but ours is huge 

as seen by it almost being half the size of Ellie and it's also awkwardly plugged in behind my bed and night stand, so pulling the plug isn't easy, as I realized by the huge scrape on my wrist.  Now I'm staring at the alarm clock really trying to figure out what's going on and wanting to know the time because I thought I was running late.  I walked into our bedroom and grabbed my watch and it read 1:15.  I didn't think that could possibly be right, so I went downstairs and the other clocks read the same thing.  I think at the exact moment I realized what had happened and laughed really hard and went back into the bedroom.  Unfortunately, I have slept-walked before but never to this extreme.  Another unfortunate thing is that you need a degree in engineering to figure out how to set the alarm clock, so I had to wake Hubert up to help me and of course explain what just happened.  We both got a pretty good laugh.


Unknown said...

oh meagan...poor, poor megan! Th only thing better than that story would be to actually be there and watch the confusion! oh to be an angel and watch what people do! ok, that last thing I said was lame! Just continue on to the next comment please!

BRoss said...

Prescription medication and alcohol don't EVER mix.

Poor Ellie, raised in a house like that, such a shame...

Charles said...

Poor Ellie both her parents share this ailment. When she's old enough I can just imagine that little sit down.... Now Ellie... when your mommy and daddy are particularly stressed......

AJ said...

wow, brave to admit this all to the world... my blog could be so much more interesting if things like this happened to me.

Milo the Magnificent said...

Silly Meagan, unconscious shower taking is for kids. I did giggle. We will laugh about this later I'm sure. And then years later we'll laugh again. Good things.

Nells-Bells said...

This happened to my hubby once! He did the same thing and didn't realize what was happening until mid-way through his shower. Crazy. I'm glad you were just in the shower and not running naked through the streets. Now that would have been a little more embarrassing.