Tuesday, October 7, 2008

Off The Wagon

Wow, where do I begin?  I guess it all started about 2 weeks ago.  Hubert and I were out to dinner and when the waitress asked if we would like anything to drink I immediately said water.  As soon as she started walking away, and after Hubert ordered his Coke, I thought that I had been very good at drinking only water and I deserved a delicious treat and so I yelled after her like like a woman panicly yelling at her child who is about to get hit by a car. After she cautiously returned to our table I ordered my Coke and that was that, I was hooked again.  Three delicious Cokes later we were done with our meal, but I wasn't done with Coke.  Of course we didn't have any in our home, so I thought about an excuse I could use to get it back into our fridge.  I remember that I was grocery shopping the next day and I needed to come up with a list and I had recently learned the recipe for Cafe Rio pork and it required about 6 cans of Coke and just knowing this information and that my next fix was only hours away, I could sleep that night.  The next day I awoke with a new sense of purpose, and that purpose was getting that delicious amber-brown nectar that simultaneously burned my throat and tickled my nose with it's delightful fizz to be mine, and only mine.  Oh, why only mine?  Well, I couldn't possibly let Hubert know my addiction had returned, so I decided I needed to hide my Cokes around the house.  Now, I know this looks gross, but really with a little soap and a bucket full of scolding water, it came clean.
Because I am the only one who waters our one and only plant in the house, I knew that Hubert would never suspect I hid one there and besides, don't the colors look great together?  I wonder if I could use the unlikely combination of red and green during an upcoming winter month and decorate crafts, lights, and possibly a pine tree which I plan displaying in my living room.  It's really amazing how drinking Coke really expands my mind.

If you look away too quickly, you might have missed the Coke amongst my beloved Japanese dolls, but there it is, silently camouflaged.  Again, Hubert doesn't pay much attention to my decorating choices and even though these dolls are displayed directly in front of our living room, I don't think he'll notice.  It's the perfect cover.

Of course, my cover of being a non-Cokeaholic was blown and I had to face my demons, which I have been doing for the last two days along side the gigantic headache that always accompanies my relapses.  So please, if you see me in the neighborhood, don't look away and cross the street in order to avoid me.  I'm human, too.  


Charles said...

fDon't they say that in case of a disaster you can drink the water from the tank? It's supposed to only be dirty once it's in the bowl. Now there's a thought.....

Which reminds me... doesn't Homer hide beer in there?

Wanna be farm girl said...

oh so there is the real reason!!! you dissed me!!!! Why didn't you tell me you needed a fix. I have the garage key code to my neighbor, who keeps their fridge stocked put there...I could of helped you out! hahahaha no seriously, call me if I can do anything

Andrea Dent said...

This post cracks me up! I too have a hard time passing up an ice cold coke, especially when it's from the fountain! Ahh. But I do hope your headache goes away soon!

Joshua & Lindsay said...

I'm seriously worried about you! Do they have "Coke-addicts Anonymous" in Utah for the SODA? I'm going to Google it and let you know. You need major help! INTERVENTION!!! No, really I'm laughing.

Unknown said...

Holy Mola, as Haley would say. You are hilarious! My latest addiction is corn flakes! I know it's wierd, but I can't get enough of it! I bought 12 boxes at macy's when they went on sale! Now THAT is a problem! A few Coke's never hurt anyone! I support you in your addiction! I am loving the addict AND the addiction!

JDM said...

Oh Meagan. When will you learn? Coke cans in the toilet tank are so last year. They fair much better underneath the liner to your garbage can. True, they don't stay as cool but isn't that a risk worth taking?

AJ said...

Megan, you have the best blog! I hope you crack a cold one open for me! I could seriously go without food given the choice of Diet coke or food for the rest of my life.

Unknown said...

You are so funny and entertaining. Jessica is addicted to coke too, but she has not tried to give it up for a long while. Hopefully your blog will serve her as an inspiration.

Oh, did I mention that your baby is so cute.