Thursday, January 1, 2009

Off the endangered species list

If you weren't already aware, and for most of you, you wouldn't be, Ellie is in love with everything panda which is why she has everything panda.  And no, we didn't force her to like this docile creature, she came up with her infatuation all on her own.  Oh, and just to let you know, she was watching Kung Fu Panda when I took this picture which is why she had no idea I placed a small panda on her head.  


Jodi said...

"Panda Bear, Panda Bear, what do you see?"

Nells-Bells said...

love this. i love elephants and am more or less forcing that love on to my kids. they each have an elephant stuffed toy. i'm sure they will see the wisdom in this as they get older. ;)

Joshua & Lindsay said...

she is so adorable! and you've been tagged on our blog :-)

JDM said...

We need a couple of little chairs for our boys. Right now I am the only chair they have and it's getting a little rough as I am not a chair but in fact a person.
Where did she get that one?