Thursday, December 11, 2008

A poem, if you will

'Twas three weeks before Christmas and nighttime was falling,
I hadn't yet showered and Ellie was calling.

Hubert walks through the door, her face lights up with glee,
I hand him the baby, finally a chance to pee.

But something was happening, an evening of fun,
So ready, we got, for Ellie to see "The One."

Our branch Christmas party was finally here, a fun time with friends,
And the most fun at the end.

In walks The man, bag thrown over his shoulder,
The kids all go crazy and I have never felt older.

It's finally her turn and I lower her without error,
Who knew all her smiles would turn into pure terror.

Maybe next year will be better, I guess we'll wait a while,
But hey, at least Santa and I got to smile.


Charles said...

My theory is that Ellie can spot an impostor when she sees one. I've never seen a skinnier santa in my life. What ever happened to Jolly?!

becca said...

I love your literary prowess. You are gonna kick Stephanie Meyers' @$$ on the New York Times bestseller list someday!

AJ said...

Your a hidden poet! Good work Megan, Mr.Peterson would be proud.

Jer, Er and kids said...

That is Annie even still. She talks about Santa and what she wanted him to bring but would have nothing to do with him!