Thursday, June 4, 2009

A one-sided conversation

Last week, Ellie and I ventured out and visited the Layton Park where there is often an eclectic bunch of people most of which we like, but on this particular day there seemed to be a field trip from a nearby junior high and me over-hearing their conversations and praying I wasn't that dumb as a kid. But besides that, it's a good park. But the best part are the ducks and geese and at this time of year they have all of their little babies that Ellie loves to see so we decided it would be a good day to go and feed them. And after walking around for a while, Ellie eating the bread instead of giving it to the birds, and that incident where two ducks seemed to be violently mating which was sufficiently awkward for every watching, the fun began. You see, Ellie has quite a large vocabulary for a 21 month old and loves to talk and talk, so you can imagine how excited she was when right in front of us there were two geese just standing there. I found this to be so funny because she was chasing after these poor ducks, while yell/talking to them, and trying to feed them. And this was her conversation with accompanying pictures.

Ellie: "ducks, Ducks, DUCKS!"

Ducks: (looking up at her)

Ellie: "Ducks. What are you doing, ducks?"

Ducks: (Slowly waddling away)

Ellie: "Ducks. DUCKS! Where are you going, ducks?"

Ducks: (More quickly waddling away)

Ellie: "Ducks, momma say bread for ducks. Ducks, eats bread, ducks."

Ducks: (One of them stops and slowly walks toward her to actually get the bread Ellie is holding out)

Meagan: (starting to panic)

Ellie: "No ducks, bread for Ellie, not ducks." (Walking away)

Ducks: (Confused)

It was a good moment.


Nells-Bells said...

she has grown so much! she has TONS of hair. wow. totally envious. naomi still is sporting the mullet. hardly any hair for pig tails or even a single stand-up-straight pony in the front. i guess i am lucky to not have to worry much about her hair. that is nice. :)

the Eggett's said...

I can't believe what a good talker she is! Funny story and the pic's aren't bad either!

Jer, Er and kids said...

So cute! I love that little girl. She does have an amazing vocabulary for her reminds me of Jackson when he was little. So fun to see you the other night!!!