Wednesday, June 10, 2009

As I'm sitting on my couch on this rainy day in Utah while little Ellie sleeps, I received a call from Hubert who tells me that Mark-Paul Gosselaar was on the Jimmy Fallon show, but not as Mark-Paul Gosselaar.  So I Youtube the episode and out on the stage walks Zack Morris from the timeless Saturday morning show, "Saved By The Bell," and don't act like you don't know what I'm talking about.  Now, not only was he dressed like him with his fabulously hairsprayed hair, pegged pants, and white high-tops, he was actually Zack Morris and I have to say that it made me laugh pretty hard.  So to all of you hardcore "Saved By The Bell" fans, here you go.

1 comment:

Nells-Bells said...

i put this on my blog too. it is seirously hilarious! i cannot get enough. i also can't wait for the saved by the bell reunion. i wonder if that will be in the line-up for next season. :)