Wednesday, July 8, 2009

A pleasant surprise

As I was walking home from the park with all of my brothers, nephews, and nieces (pictures I will post later) I saw that the Young Women from my old ward had decorated my door and left cookies on my door step and it was such a great surprise. I miss those girls and the other leaders so much, even though we are still in the same neighborhood, but it was nice to see that they might miss me, too. Either that, or they couldn't think of a mutual activity and someone had leftover cutout hearts from Valentine's Day and wanted to vandalize me. Either way, it was a really nice surprise. And don't get used to pictures of me pregnant because as you can see, I'm slowly becoming an orca whale.


a.t.a said...

Honey you look nothing like a whale! YOu look great:) What a pleasant surprise!

Wanna be farm girl said...

I totally agree with are no where close to a whale!! or are adorable!!!

Do you want me to have chayce just drop off the box?

Unknown said...

HOw fun! WE need to hang out! I miss laughing with you guys! Let's get together! Maybe we could meet a a park one of these days!

Kristin and Tyler said...

Listen, sister - I'm a lot of things...but I'm no vandal. That door was out of pure love. :) We miss you! (I've found your blog can't get rid of me!) -Kristin Brown :) (I will not sign my name every time...don't get used to it)