Wednesday, July 29, 2009

So long, farewell, and you know the rest

Well, we have made the decision to cancel our cable. I know, I know, it seems like no big deal, but when you are pregnant and the baby goes down at night, there is nothing better than lying on the couch watching meaningless television. Now, the good thing is that we can get all of the shows we love on Hulu like Rescue Me, Damages, It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia, The Colbert Report, and so on, but I'm not so sure about my guilty pleasures. So I have decided that in order for me to get over my sadness and inevitable withdrawal, I must make a list of what I will miss most because I think it will therapeutic. Please keep your judgments to a minimum.

1. The Real Housewives of Atlanta (and basically every other show on Bravo)

2. The Hills (mostly for Spencer and his flesh colored beard)

3. The Soup (Because Joel McHale is heeeelarious)

4. Ghost Adventures (The main guy is a complete dork, but I can't get enough of this stupid show)
5. HGTV (Because I love everything that has to do with home buying, selling, and improvement)

I'm starting to feel better.


marti said...

Oh I am jealous! I want to cancel mine, but I am worried...I am so addicted. But I guess that now that all the summer shows have gone away, now is a good time. Do you not like the food network. that is one almost all day at my house! I do love a good P Diddy show too! Maybe I should just take the plunge! We want to get together before you have the baby! Do you guys have a free weekend sometime? MAybe we can meet at Lagoon and you can just watch us go on the rides! trhat sound way fun!

Nells-Bells said...

my husband won't even let me flirt with the idea of canceling our direcTV. but we do love our soup watching (joel mchale seriously rules) and flight of the conchords (did you hear they may not return for a season 3?!?!?!?!).

ahollandetc said...

alright, your posts ALWAYS crack me up, but that flesh-colored-spencer-beard thing, really had me going...

why didn't we hang out more when i lived by you!?!