Wednesday, August 26, 2009

And knowing is half the battle

After a fun day at the doctor's office where I gained an undisclosed amount of weight which was due to what my nurse referred to as "puffiness," literally running after Ellie the entire time we were in IKEA buying things for her, mind you, waking up to my ring finger being purple and in phenomenal pain, and lastly, taking Ellie to her 2 year Dr. appt. where she screamed the whole time and then got her shots, where she screamed even more, Ellie's Pediatrician recommended that I get my ring cut off and to do it today. Awesome! So here are pictures of what my finger looks like as well as the ring for any and all who think they can make it to the end of their pregnancy without taking it off. Oh, and one last thing, it was surprisingly painful.

Luckily, my jeweler can sauder (sp) my ring back together when my finger gets down to it's normal size and it will look as good as new, but I had a bit of a break down when I got into my car, only to be reassured by Hubert that yes, we are still married, but I will, for the next few months, look like an un-wed pregnant woman.


Wanna be farm girl said...

Dang it...not a good day...however...I have to tell you that I went ringless for the last four months and was only able to put my ring on a month ago!!! Though I did get those "how could you do that without a wedding ring" was much healthier for my finger. I say it is time for a bigger and better my opinion counts anyway! hahaha

Nells-Bells said...

NO!! how awful. one of the joys of being pregnant.