Foolishly, stupidly, and I wish I could say without my knowledge, I signed up to run in the "Wasatch Back", also known as the "
Ragnar," which I thought was an acronym for "Race Around Greater Northern Area Region." It's not. Apparently, it's the name of the individual who came up with the cruel joke of athletic ability and endurance, two things of which I am lacking. In short, it's a relay marathon that begins in Logan and ends in Park City, which is about 180 miles. The race spans two days, running day and night, and there are twelve people to a team making each person run 3 legs. My team consists of 6 great friends from my branch and also 6 other girls that I don't know well, but I'm sure I will know well enough at the end of the race. We all got together and chose our legs, and I chose the first leg. You can click on "Runner One" and the three numbers under that are the legs I'm running. I'm a little worried about the middle, downhill one, but I think I can do it, although I'm not sure how to train for 8.5 miles of downhill running. Any suggestions? But anyway, when I started training a couple of months ago, I was using running shoes that I have had for about 4 years.

Because of this (and my constant complaining about my feet), my wonderful husband for Mother's Day bought me this

Now, because I have learned my lesson, I have these

Also, a lot of teams dress up for this race and we are having a hard time coming up with something creative and funny to wear. If anyone has any ideas, let me know.
First off I liked your idea to wear 80's workout gear. What happened to that?
Second that foot bath looks nice.
Good job Hubert.
Third thank you so much for being with us on Friday. You guys are the best.
I am speechless, I am without speech. I thought only crazy people did those kind of sanctioned, sign-up to die races.
Now I know it's true.
Good luck today, mugs! we're rootin for ya in sc!!
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