Monday, June 23, 2008

I Can't Believe It's Over!

Well, we did it!  We ran the Ragnar and I have to say that it was the funnest time ever.  I don't think I have ever laughed so hard, smelled so bad, or been so tired in my whole entire life, but it was so worth it and I would do it again in a heart beat.  And to the girls in my van, I love you all so much and thank you for putting up with my crazy antics.  You all kicked some serious butt.
These were the awesome girls in my van from left to right:  Monica, Kathy, Andrea, Meagan, Amber, and Cara.  Oh, and this was before the race began.  Don't we look happy, rested, and clean?

I was lucky enough to actually begin the race for our team and it was so much fun to jump off of that starting line.  I was so excited and my adrenaline was just pumping.  It was a great feeling...until

I was passed, yes passed, by a man wearing cross-country skis.  That's right, ski's.  When he passed my I actually turned to him and said, while laughing, "You've got to be kidding me." He just looked at me and smiled.

Cara was smart enough to bring her son's super soaker and it was such a great idea because it was so dang HOT.  I can't thank her enough for that.

I had to put this picture of Amber up because she looked so cute during the whole race and she was totally fast!  Amber, you're awesome.

This was a gorgeous meadow that we drove through while one of our runners was running.  So much of the race had scenery like this.  

I was just starting me second, and hardest leg right here.  It was 8.5 miles down Trapper's Loop, but I loved it.  The first part was really uphill, which was very hard, but the last part was all downhill and so much fun.  I was lucky enough to have Jake, Ashley, and Milo cheer me on this part of the race.

Me running downhill and somehow I have a smile on my face.  I guess I was just so happy the uphill was over with.

Finally, after personally running 18 miles and being awake for over 32 hours, we made it to the finish line.  Thanks again to all of my van mates.  Because of this experience, I have five wonderful life-long friends and hopefully we'll do this again next year!


Amber said...

Awesome job!! Wow, that is so cool that you guys were able to do that. The only running that I do is after my kids!

Erin Spenc said...

Congratulations! I am so thrilled that you survived! I was thinking and praying for you girls constantly!

the Eggett's said...

Meagan, seriously, YOU ARE AMAZING. You conquered that 18 miles with ease (or so it looked like it). You are the most easy going fun person to be around and I had such a BLAST with you! Can we be bff now? Are we really doing it again next year? Thanks again for the good times and great quotes "that hill was a _____" I will remember them for a long long time.

Nells-Bells said...

Did he have wheels on his skis or was it just skis? I wonder if he cares that he totally just trashed them. Crazy. You rock, BTW. I could not have done that. Well, maybe...add two large candy bars and a can of coke, then I could be the hyper-hypo and run for 32 hours straight. ;)

Charles said...

Congratulations Meagan!! I liked your post. keep watching the skies... I mean skis?! that's a currupt line from the simpsons in case you were wondering

BRoss said...

Unbelievable. You are to be knighted or something. That is so sweet. Were you able to get an epsom salt soak afterwards? Or maybe just shopping.

JDM said...

Seriously Megs what a thing to have under your belt!
Congratulations! It was so good to see you that day. How in the world that happened I still can't figure out. But we were so glad to get to cheer you on from the sev. I told Matt that I won in who was more excited to see you since he didn't scream with joy and I did. He excepted his defeat somewhat gracefully.

AJ said...

You are my Hero! What an accomplishment!

JDM said...

I just found this on another friends blog and thought that you might enjoy it.

*Ragnar (n) in mythology and legend, a man, often of divine ancestry, who is endowed with great courage and strength, celebrated for his bold exploits and favored by the gods.