Friday, June 13, 2008

wow, really, REALLY!?

I was looking at my brother-in-law, Charlie's, blog and he posted something that he found to be horrible and after I saw it, I can't agree with him more.  A company in West Jordan, called TheSockObama, has come out with a sock puppet that is in support of Barack Obama.  And this horrific and racist toy is what they came up with:
It's hard to express how awful I think something like this is and from a company that is in support of Obama.  It also saddens me that in 2008, a toy made in effigy of an African American man is made to look like this.  When did we revert back to the 50's, or better yet, back to the horrible times of slavery?  Charlie and I have personally written e-mails to this company and I hope that others will express their feelings to this company and hopefully this "toy" will stop being made and sold.  If you feel inclined to share your feelings with them, please e-mail them at Because of things like this, stereotypes never end and racism never ends and when a toy like this is made for a child, it is only  perpetuated further.  Let's do what we can to stop it.


Amber said...

Hey, I just saw on the news tonight that this company has apologized and will no longer be making this toy. Hurray!

Andrea Dent said...

Hey! I found you guys on Bull's blog. It was great to see you while I was in town, and I would LOVE to keep in touch! I wish it would have worked to meet up while I was there, but things got a little nuts! Send me your email and I'll link you to our blog too!