Monday, June 9, 2008

The Way It Was

About nine years ago, I had the opportunity to visit New York City for about a week and it was a wonderful experience.  We went to the Met, the MOMA (Museum of Modern Art), Time Square, Greenwich Village, Broadway shows, Central Park, but I think the place that was the best that we went to was the Statue of Liberty and I guess going there then means more to me now than ever before.  As I look at that picture and see the Twin Towers behind me, there are so many emotions that I have.  First, I will never be able to stand at that exact spot, at the base of the Statue of Liberty, with my husband and children and have that beautiful sky line behind us.  Second, I think about all of those people who were working in those towers on that day that I was visiting who died 2 years later, who kissed their loved ones goodbye that morning and never kissed them goodnight.  And the third emotion brings me to our election season, the most important so far in my lifetime.  Now that we have our presumptive nominees, Barack Obama and John McCain, it's important that every issue is discussed, every speech is analyzed, and the character behind these men is looked at closely.  I guess what I'm trying to say is that on September 11, 2001, over 3000 innocent people died for a reason that has never been made clear to me.  Do we really need to continue to have our troops, men and women, die every day for a cause that no one really understands?  To me, that answer is a profound no.  I know that everyone has the right and liberty to vote whichever way they feel is best for them and that is one reason that makes our country great, but for me, for my children, their children, and so on, we need a country that is united and a "war" that needs to end.  
It's pretty obvious who we are behind and thanks Matt and Jenny for this cute onesie.  We think it's important to have our children involved in politics as early as possible.  But anyway, I hope that in November we walk into the election booths and vote for who we think is the best person to be the leader of the free world.  And when you do vote, don't vote for the person that you think your parents would want you to vote for, who your church thinks is best, or because of what your friends are saying, instead, vote for the best person that is the best for you and for what you believe in.


becca said...

So how much is Obama going to pay you for that picture of Ellie? Seriously, that right there could win him the whole dang election. But honestly, the man has got to put on some lbs to win my favor. Something really erks me about those really skinny guys... And don't get me started on McCain's alien-impersonating wife. Don't even get me started!!

AJ said...

Megan, it's nice to know you are such a political enthusiast! as well as Ellie. If you'd like to come to Denver to the democratic convention in August, your welcome to stay at our place. Go OBAMA!

JDM said...

Oh my..that picture alone gets my vote!
I love to read your thoughts about the political process. Thanks Meg.