Thursday, September 4, 2008

Perpetual bed head

I always feared bearing a female version of a baby, not because I wouldn't love, adore, dote, stare at, or kiss her every chance I had, but because of the fashion aspect. For myself, I have never been  much of a girly-girl.  I guess growing up with four older brothers sort of takes away that feeling of needing to wear make-up, put dresses on, and learn how to do my hair.  Instead, I cared about keeping up with them when we played "Man Hunt," or "kick the can" to those who grew up in Utah, learning how to throw and kick a ball correctly, and figuring out that a backhand swing in tennis gives you a lot more power than a forehand.  Only a few years ago did I start to wear make-up, not because I wanted to fit in, but because it was kind of fun, and I still only wear the minimum amount.  So what chance does Ellie have?  Luckily for her, she has the skin, eyes, lips, and eye lashes that will never require make-up.  That's right, I'm jealous of my one year old daughter, I'll admit it.  But what about her hair?  I think I'm doomed.  And as I was going through pictures the other day, I noticed a theme about her hair.  Now, it doesn't always look like this, thank goodness, but after her naps (and sometimes, many times, before her naps) it is out of control and nothing I do will tame that beast.  Any suggestions?


Andrea Dent said...

She is adorable, bed head and all! Kayla has really bad bed head too! Hers is curly, so it just gets in huge knots all over. Check out they have some good ideas. Good luck!

Charles said...

With Hubert's approval I'll share this with you and your readers. My grandma was always disappointed with my hair and even as an adult she would suggest to me that if I wore a tied off nylon sock to bed it would tame my hair. NO... I never did do it!

BRoss said...

I like to use shampoo and a comb, but hey, I was raised in Draper.

Unknown said...

She is a beautiful creature I will admit! I love Charles comment...that is hilarious!!!

Joshua & Lindsay said...

looks perfect to me.