Sunday, August 17, 2008

10 Years Come and Gone

On Saturday I had the opportunity to attend my 10 year high school reunion and I have to be honest, I was a little skeptical.  So skeptical that I bought my ticket the last day you could buy them because I just wasn't sure about the whole thing, but I was proven wrong and was so glad that I went.  Sure, the $25 I paid for the "dinner" that was provided made me a little bit angry when I realized I could have gotten the same amount of food at Taco Bell for $4 and it probably would have been better and the location of the place it was held could not have been further away, but at least they served ice cold water, oh, and lemonade.  Delicious.  But despite all of that, I caught up with great friends that I have missed over the years and got some really great pictures.

This is my good friend, Bonnie Yarbrough Wangsgard.  I was so happy to see her and catch up with she and her husband, who we also went high school with us and is currently in medical school on Las Vegas.

And this is her husband, Mark, who was the chair for my other friend, Tyler King.  Things never change.

Cheryl, Becca, Me, Bonnie, and Alysia.  Aren't we a good-looking bunch of broads?

And finally, the motley crew.  I love these girls but I have to say that Annie, the cute girl to my right, said the funniest thing.  She said, and I quote, "When I was dating Tom, I 'nutted' a cow." I'm still not sure what that means, but it almost had me on the floor laughing.

So, hopefully I will see you guys during the next ten years, but if not, I'll see you in 2018!  Oh, and to Cheryl and Becca, you can't get rid of me and I'm sure I'll see you next week.


Amber said...

Looks like so much fun! I was genuinely sad to miss it. Everyone looks great. Next time I'm in town we'll have to meet up and you can fill me in on everyone!

Tom and Annie said...

I will agree I thought the food was a big let down but I was so glad to catch up with all of you. Hopefully we can actually get together soon. I really hope that I don't have to explain what "nutting" is!! I'm such a cowgirl:) Love ya, Annie

Abe said...

Man, I'm glad my ten year isn't till next summer, it makes me feel so...young

Sione said...

Man, I can't even read your blog cuz I'm still trippin out on MIA- Paper Planes! No joke!

Ridiculous cuz.


L said...

So how were we on different sides of the room the whole night! I totally wanted to see you! I have loved reading your kill me and are such a good writer. E-mail me if you want to see my
Take care!!! Lichelle

L said...

oh, and btw...could you have had that great music selection at taco bell,!

becca said...

Meag- Love the Pics. Email them to me since my camera crapped out at the reunion. It was probably pissed about the taco bar as well...