Thursday, August 21, 2008

The Ferocious Baby

As the ability to move around grows stronger for Ellie, so, it seems, do other "powers."  Sure, she's cute with all that hair, those eyes, chubby cheeks, etc., etc., but do we really know the real Eliana Steele Anasco?  I thought I did, that is, until the other night.

Exhibit A:

At first glance, she looks sweet, doesn't she?  But if you take a closer look, there's something going on behind those eyes, something not quite right.

Exhibit B:

And then she attacks!  Hubert is useless against her and her ferocious licking of his face.  As you can see, he seems to be passed out.  That must be from the cheddar cheese crunchies she ate only moments before.  Even the strongest man is powerless against that breath.  But even throughout this attack, she never takes her eyes off of me.  It's as if she's sizing me up.

Exhibit C:

And before I know it she's on top of me and I'm down for the count.  Who would have known that those chubby thighs could wrap so tightly around me?  Hopefully next time, I'll be better prepared.

Exhibit D:

And finally, she takes over the camera only to show her sinister smile.  She knows that if she can defeat her parents, she can defeat anyone.  So beware, friends, family, and even strangers.  If she's strong enough to take down her own loving parents, who knows what she's capable of? 


Erin Spenc said...

Ok, that is really really cute, especially in light of a certain vampire book i just finished.

Joshua & Lindsay said...

She is so adorable! It's almost been a full year since I got to hold that sweet thang! You know, Meagan, I think I can see a little "Mugs" coming out in her! It's her shape of face or something... Anyway, she is absolutely gorgeous!

Sione said...

Still listening to paper planes by M.I.A.! I haven't shut you're firefox tab down in 3 weeks!
...trippin all the way down the stairz!
