Monday, August 4, 2008

A Great Visit

A couple of weeks ago, we had the wonderful opportunity to have my mom and Michele visit us and it was so much fun.  It was only the second time my mom had seen Ellie since she was born because she lives in Kansas and it was the first time for Michele, but that didn't matter to Ellie.  She went right to them like she had been seeing them every day since the day she was born and I have to say that it made me so happy because Ellie doesn't do that with a lot of people and I really wanted them to have a nice visit.  But I just wanted to thank both of them for coming and spending time with us because it was so great and we missed them so much when they left. And also, we took a three generation picture with my mom that was a little surreal at the moment because I couldn't believe that I was part of a picture that included my mother, me, and my daughter instead of how it has been my whole life which is my grandmother, mother, and me.  But it was a great time and I hope they can come back soon, and so does Ellie.  We Love You!


ahollandetc said...

grandma's are the best! everytime i see ellie i truly cannot get over how gorgeous she is!

btw, this is alisa holland....absolutely had no idea you had a blog! i am adding to my list. our family blog ( is private, but i will email you an invite that you can accept if you want. my personal blog is

the Eggett's said...

What a cute picture of you guys! Good Idea!